Burdock Root Stalks 1lb


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Burdock Root



1. It’s a powerhouse of antioxidants

Burdock root contains multiple types of powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids.


2. It removes toxins from the blood


3. It can heal skin issues. Burdock root may heal topical burns.



BURDOCK — (Arctuim Lappa). Natural order Composite


Common names — Lappa, Fox’s Clote, Thorny Burr, Beggars Buttons, Love Leaves, Happy Major and Clot Burr.


Parts used — Root, Leaves and Seeds (Fruits)


Habitat — Throughout England, (rarely in Scotland) naturalized in U. S. growing on waste ground, around old buildings by road sides and in damp places.


This is a stout, handsome biennial plant with large wavy leaves and round heads of purple flowers. Calyx consists of imbricated scales with hooked extremities by which they adhere to the coats of animals or anything they touch. Seeds are quadrangular.

Nature has not produced for us many Herbs whose food and medicinal value equal to this one. It’s ancient history as a reliable remedy for bad blood, ulcers, tumors, and many skin diseases such as what we today call Eczema, Pityriasis, Psoriasis, Furunculosis, Acne, Lupus, etc., to say nothing of internal disorders such as Syphilis, Scrofula, Leprosy, etc.


The root is 12 inches to 3 feet in length and often more than 1 inch in thickness. It has a sweetish and mucilaginous taste. The leaves have a bitter taste. The root must be dug in the fall of the first year of it’s growth.


Constituents — Inulin (takes the place of starch, and in the spring and fall, is frequently present to the extent of 45 percent), a bitter principle, resin, fat (9 percent), mucilage, sugar, wax, tannin (phlobaphene) lappin (crystalline gluceside) ash (3 to 4 percent).


Properties — Alterative, aperient, depurative, diuretic, diaphoretic, antiscorbutic.


Uses — Rheumatism, Gout, Pulmonary, Catarrh, Chronic Skin Diseases, (Psoriasis Acne, etc.) Syphilis, Scrofula, Cancer, Urinary deposits.


Externally — Swellings, hemorrhoids, burns, wounds, eruptions.



For the successful treatment of chronic Skin Diseases, especially Eczema, Burdock has no equal, while for Furunculosis (Boils) it’s quick alterative and curative effect is truly remarkable. Some years ago, a young man in his thirties came to us for help. He had suffered for nearly a year with boils on different parts of the body. He had nine of them on the nape of his neck. Some twenty-nine had been lanced by Doctors previous to this flock of nine. His neck presented a most horrible sight. He had several more boils on different parts of his body. Two under one arm and one under the other. Several more were scattered about on his wrists, buttocks and legs. It was the worst case of Furunculosis we had ever seen. Fortunately, this happened in the early fall and we knew of a very thick growth of Burdock not far away.

The young man was instructed to gather a large sack full of leaves that were not faded, and to dig up the roots also of those which had not developed seeds (first year’s growth). We told him to have his wife wash the leaves and chop them up or put them through a meat mincer, while the roots were to be cut or chopped into small segments. Without heating, the crushed leaves were to be made into a poultice sprinkled or sprayed with Eucalyptus Oil and applied to the neck and other parts where possible.  The roots were to be boiled, four ounces to one quart of spring water, for twenty minutes. Strained and reduced to one pint. This strong decoction was to be taken in wine glass full doses until the whole pint was consumed in one day. No stimulants or alcoholic liquors were to be taken.


In three weeks, the boils were all gone and in one month this young man was completely well and up to seven years ago, that is, over a period of eight years, this young man had had no recurrence of boils but had enjoyed perfect health.



Forms and doses

There are a number of different forms of burdock root available. These include:



  • burdock tea
  • fresh burdock root
  • dried root powder
  • burdock oil or burdock extract




Consuming fresh burdock root is healthier and safer than taking supplements. Incorporating burdock root into your diet can be as simple as learning a few new recipes.

Alkaline Burdock Fries Recipe




* A proper nutritional diet is essential in achieving optimal results.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Weight1 kg


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