Wild Crafted Bladderwrack (Jamaica)


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Bladderwrack is a type of brown seaweed. The name comes from the air pockets in its leaves, which look like small bladders. The air pockets help the seaweed float.


Bladderwrack grows in the ocean, near the northern coasts of the United States, on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides. It also grows on the northern coasts of Europe, on the Atlantic and Baltic sides.



Health Benefits

May Relieve Constipation or Diarrhea

Bladderwrack contains alginic acid, a kind of dietary fiber. Fiber helps with constipation, but it can also relieve diarrhea and keep your bowel movements more regular in general. However, more research is needed to prove the effectiveness of bladderwrack at treating these conditions.


May Help With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD is chronic acid reflux. It irritates the lining of the esophagus and causes heartburn at least a few times per week. Some people manage it with lifestyle changes, but others take medications or supplements.


One over-the-counter medication, Gaviscon, uses alginic acid — found naturally in bladderwrack — in combination with magnesium carbonate to heal heartburn and GERD.




May Relieve Other Stomach Problems

Bladderwrack may relieve stomach problems because it creates a barrier between your sensitive stomach lining and irritants, like stomach acid. It also lowers inflammation, which may relieve some digestive issues.

The other stomach problems bladderwrack may help include:



  •  Gastritis (swelling and irritation of the stomach lining)
  •  Indigestion
  • Occasional heartburn
  • Low stomach acid levels




May Speed Wound Healing

Early studies show that calcium alginate, a substance found in bladderwrack, may heal wounds faster than other methods.



* A proper nutritional diet is essential in achieving optimal results.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Weight1 kg

1 oz, 2 oz, 4 oz


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